Friday, 14 June 2013

Extra special HAPPY FRIDAY

Whoo Hoo! It's Friday at last! Never before have I been so happy to see Friday - Why you ask? Let me list why:

- I've been looking forward to taking leave since I arrived back at work in's been a rough year so far but it's good to be back in a good space and ready to take a break
- It's been a super busy week with lots going on at work and outside of work
- I'm going to my second cooking class at Chez Gourmet (the first was a Japanese Cooking class and this time I'll be learning all about the baking process - breads, roti's etc.) Can't wait - YUM!
- We're going home! Now that I'm not working in the EC as much, I'm really missing my monthly trips back home so it will be great to catch up with family over our short stay there
- I'm going to finally start watching the 3rd season of Downton Abbey. I left it over a month ago at a happy cliffhanger after the Christmas Special and can't wait to see what happens next
- There will be some lovely eating out taking place no doubt with friends bday celebrations and a few more days with friends visiting from Aus. It's great to be a tourist in your own city for a little while

Happy Youth Day for Sunday, Happy Friday for today :-)

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