Thursday, 16 May 2013

The Bilbo Baggins in me...

I'm such a creature of habit and route and tend to dislike massive changes, and yet, I crave adventure and out of the box experiences. The thought of packing up all that I know and love and moving to some remote African country (before I sound misinformed about my own continent...outside of SOUTH Africa) both horrifies me and excites me beyond belief!

I've always thought that once you've found your "partner in crime" it would be far easier to leave the life that you know and embark on a massive adventure. More recently I've started to think what better way to raise a child - open to new places and people, new ideas and experiences.

All these thoughts have been running around my ever-over-active mind for the past few days. It's that "there must be more to life than this" moment that currently haunts me. Seeing people who I work with who have been not only with the same organisation, but in the same role, for 20 years quite frankly scares the living daylights out of me and I've only been here a little over 6 years...Moving from the sleepy hollow that I used to live in to the slightly less tiny nearby town was a big move. The move from there to my now much loved adopted Mother City an even bigger jump (which despite all the anxiety and stress around the move, has without a doubt been the best thing that has EVER happened to me) and so the thought of ever leaving is both sad but comforting to know that it can be done happily.

Nothing is on the cards in the near (or even distant future) but it's definitely an adventure that I'd be open to taking if and when it ever comes up. Prehaps, like Bilbo, I'll make my way home oneday after a story book adventure safe in the knowledge that places have been seen, people have been met and experiences had that would never have been possibly imagined had we not left the home!

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