Thursday, 12 December 2013
Keep Calm and Leave it all behind you
It's been a tough year. Scrap that, it's been a freaking tough year. I'm ready to walk out of work tomorrow afternoon and leave it all behind me...and never come back ;-) What do they say - what doesn't break you makes you stronger? Well, I'm not entirely sure on which side of this equation the 2013 working year has left me.
In the next month (my longest holiday since my final year of university mid year vac!) I just want to BREATHE. To erase the awful memories that at this point in time feel forever branded into my brain. To take time to figure out what happens next. To look at what makes me happy and fulfilled and what doesn't any more. To try and forgive and forget - both others and myself. To put it all in perspective and to try and remain grateful for the good things.
All I do know is that I can't repeat the past year - come hell or high water, I refuse to. How that plays out I don't know, but this much I do know, it's not healthy, not positive, not constructive or emotionally viable to go through it all over again.
The "worm" only has one more segment and so that means only 1 more sleep until lazy days, late mornings, the beach, the sea, the sun, lots of books and lots of bubbly! #excitedmuch!
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Saying Goodbye to Madiba
I remember clearly the day that the world watched as one of the most influencial leaders in the world took his first steps as a free man in 27 years. It was 1990 and I was 8. My parents called us in from our garden to watch on the small, grainy TV with "bunny ears" that we had on the farm. They said that this was a moment in history that we shouldn't forget. Watching Nelson and Winne Mandela walk hand in hand with fists raised high on national TV was something so unique and different to me that I remember feeling slightly nervous of what would happen next and I now, as an adult, know that I wasn't alone. What ensued was beyond what anyone could have imagined. The unparalleled forgiveness, kindness and courage that he displayed is a shining example for us all and is what has made this country what it is today. Or at least, what we strive to be.
6 Years later I was lucky enough to see Madiba in the flesh. Our school concert band accompained a thousand strong choir made up of learners from all the schools in our area. I will never forget the resounding sound of the beautiful voices and words that raised the roof that day like a victory march. Idonga se Jericho was the one song that even made the floorboards shake! Reading up on the song now, it seems that it was a reference to the fall of Apartheid - no wonder the floorboards got a good stomping ;-)
On Friday we as South African's woke up to the news that our fearless leader, Tata, had left us. Many had once again feared this day. Naysayers predicted that this day would be the undoing of all the good that has taken place since '94. The father of our nation may have left us in spirit but I can't but help believe that we are stronger than the doomsdayers predict because the memory of him will live on in our hearts and minds for decades to come.
Goodbye and God Bless Madiba - thank you for all that you did for us.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Keep Calm and Keep Quiet
My mom always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all. In a nutshell, this explains my long absense from blogging. It's been a tough few months. Scrap that. It's been a tough year. In my head, in my office, in my car...where my most negative thoughts seem to take place! In fact, substitute the words love for work and sister for mother in the Katy Perry song "By the Grace of God" and you pretty much have my 2013 summarized.
And it's by the grace of God that I'm finally feeling like I'm in a better head-space. That and the fact that the light at the end of the tunnel (shutdown from work) is in 4 weeks (and counting!) I've been getting back into the routines that keep me sane: morning sermon podcasts, going to cell and church regularly, giving back to those less fortunate and stopping those pesty negative thoughts when they come into my head.
There is so much that has been happening that has allowed for self doubt to creep in, self confidence to be obliterated and it's been a constant struggle to balance it all. In every exciting situation, I find the stress, am unsure, second guess myself... And this hasn't gone away but I'm really trying to remember the positives, to be excited despite all the uncertainty. It's become even more clear to me that I hate not being in control, hate not knowing what the next months bring, hate not knowing where I'll be living in 3 months time.
But it's time to cease the day, live it, enjoy it, love every moment of it. Yes the stress will come, the uncertainty remains - but in trying to approach it in a more positive manner, hopefully good things will come and the self fulfilling prophesy wheel will spin with more good fortune than bad.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
Keep Calm and Blog On
If this blog was my child, then it would well and truely be a delinquent by now with the amount of neglect I've inflicted on it! I went on leave for a week mid-June and basically haven't returned to blogging since. Here's a quick catch up of whats happened in the past month:
- Had a good friend visit from Australia with two of his mates and got to play tourist / tour guide for a little while in Cape Town, drank lots of wine and ate even more food, made new friends and watched him jump of Blaaukranz (with a bungy rope of course)
- Drove home (about 13 hours), had some great family time with my family as well as my man's (have I mentioned that he has the cutest nieces and nephews of all time?!) then watched my beautiful cousin get married and drove back to the mountain (24 hours of driving happened in the space of 4 days!)
- Lots of change at boss, new team dynamic, new projects...blah blah blah
- My oldest friend got engaged! Was so exciting to meet up with the happy couple for breakfast directly after he popped the question!
- Visited Franschhoek for my first ever Bastille Day - lots of fun
- Watched some rugby at Newlands (and plenty of it on the telly)
- Went on diet...more on this to follow in subsequent posts I'm sure
- Generally vegged out in this cold and gloomy weather
So now that I'm all caught up, I'm hoping to put the past "blog-free" month behind me and get back into the swing of things. I anticipate that I'm going to be needing the thereputic release that it provides me in the coming weeks ;-)
Friday, 14 June 2013
Extra special HAPPY FRIDAY
Whoo Hoo! It's Friday at last! Never before have I been so happy to see Friday - Why you ask? Let me list why:
- I've been looking forward to taking leave since I arrived back at work in's been a rough year so far but it's good to be back in a good space and ready to take a break
- It's been a super busy week with lots going on at work and outside of work
- I'm going to my second cooking class at Chez Gourmet (the first was a Japanese Cooking class and this time I'll be learning all about the baking process - breads, roti's etc.) Can't wait - YUM!
- We're going home! Now that I'm not working in the EC as much, I'm really missing my monthly trips back home so it will be great to catch up with family over our short stay there
- I'm going to finally start watching the 3rd season of Downton Abbey. I left it over a month ago at a happy cliffhanger after the Christmas Special and can't wait to see what happens next
- There will be some lovely eating out taking place no doubt with friends bday celebrations and a few more days with friends visiting from Aus. It's great to be a tourist in your own city for a little while
Happy Youth Day for Sunday, Happy Friday for today :-)
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
There is no place like home
Although for the past (almost) 3 years Cape Town has well and truely been my home, there is something special about the place that you call home - especially when it's as unique as the Lower Albany area! In a little over a week (8 days to be exact #excitedmuch) we'll be making the long drive home for a couple of days in the good old Eastern Cape.
The 10 / 12 hours being couped up in a car with plenty of padkos (my mom taught me well), my man and our unique mix of music will well be worth it. We'll be cramming as much time possible with both of our families during our 2 and a bit days there. I'm also looking forward to great biltong, a Nanaga roosterbrood, the famous lime milkshake which is the saving grace of slumtown and the upright piano waiting for me at my parents house.
And then of course, there is the reason for the season - my little cuz is getting married and no one loves a wedding more than I do (even if it's another one to leapfrog me *winkwinknudgenudge*) No seriously, no one deserves a special day more than this special lady. I love and respect her enourmously and will no doubt need a couple of tissues to keep the tears at bay!
Friday, 31 May 2013
Clear Eyes, Warm Hearts, Can't Lose
It's been a really good week but a a busy one so TGIF! I'm normally fairly reclusive on week nights - not this week. Between work dinners, social dinners and a little down time, I've found my way back to a happy and more positive space.
I met up with my ex-boss from the "armpit of Africa" office who was such an encouragement to me, making me see that good in various work situations and giving me a far more positive outlook on my 8 to 5 life. He really has become a great mentor to me and I'm truely greatful for this input at the moment.
Then, I put my cooking skills to the test and had 3 of my ladies over for our first "pasta and prayer" night. I promise that my cooking on the night was closely monitored by my man who called me to check on the progress and give some helpful hints before they arrived. Food aside, what an awesome night of connecting with the girls and sharing our lives. Nowadays so many of our new friendships are lived in a very superficial space and never really make it into the stage or depth that some of our longer standing friendships do. It was awesome to be honest and real and share the truths of our lifes making all of us feel more normal and less alone!

In what must be one of my favourite series ever, Friday Night Lights, Coach Taylor's famous saying is "clear eyes, warm hearts, can't lose." I feel like this week, I've without knowing it, been able to live with clear eyes and a warm heart. Clear eyes because I've been able to put into perspective all that has been going on, seperating the person from the problem (as Arnold Mol teaches) and as a result, being a little less stressed out. Seeing that I'm not alone in my worries or my fears has also helped me in seeing that I'm not paranoid in this and that a burden shared is a burden halved. Warm hearts because I've been able to remember elements of my role that I used to love and have tried to seek out more of these things to incorporate into my work and personal life (prehaps some further studies lie ahead in my future!) Knowing what I'm passionate about has helped me to feel that there is more to my current work life and hopefully I'm able to make positive steps forward in achieiving this.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
The Exchange
What do you mean I can't buy any of the clothes in your store? A question I'm sure that many have asked when visiting one of Cavindish's newest stores, The Exchange. As the world's first cashless boutique, all they ask is that you sign up to become and Organ Donor and you can leave with a garment or accessory from one of SA's top 25 designers.
Unfortunately for those of us who have already signed up, we'll leave the store empty handed, but what an amazing way to encourage more people to save lives. To find out more visit: The Exchange
Monday, 27 May 2013
Think Happy Thoughts
It's a slippery slide, our mind. Get into a sticky situation in one area of your life, unable to see the positive in the situation and all of a sudden the whole world sucks! I realised a little while ago that I was letting small things that weren't ideal, granted, dictate my outlook on many other things and ultimately this was distroying my "thought life." As my brother has told me many times, I will FIND something to stress about. I've found myself becoming increasingly negative in my mind and this has now flowed over into my words. I definitely don't want to be that person who never has anything nice to say!

- WWGD (What Would Gran Do) - My gran is without a doubt the most insanely positive person that I know, and probably ever will know. She's almost positive to a fault. When ever that nagging negative pops up I'm going to thing WWGD!
- Be Grateful - Early on in my blog life, I wrote about all the things that I'm grateful for in my life. Prehaps rereading and recapping on this would be a good idea every once in a while ;-)
- Put it all in context - every day I drive past a beggar, a homeless person, someone with way bigger and more pressing issues on their mind. Take a chill pill. Have a glass of wine. Build a bridge. Get over it!
- Stop the repetition - if you've thought about it once, move on! Stop the endlessly repetative loop that one senario or thought get's airtime for in your mind- Have a "looking forward to" list - ever since my homesick days at boarding school I've always made little lists in my mind of things to look forward to in that day or that week. It can be the smallest thing ever (like going home to watch your favourite show) but it really helps to have something, ANYTHING, to look forward to when you're down.
So here's to keeping calm and thinking happy thoughts from now on!
Thursday, 23 May 2013
It's "air the dirty laundry" time again
It's that time of year again. Performance management year end review time. Bleh. It's never before been my favourite time but it's also never been something that I've TOTALLY not looked forward too. But then again, I've never had to give feedback to anyone before, let alone a full team. Nor, clearly, have I ever had such a tumultious year. There is a first time for everything it seems.
Not only do I not feel like rehashing all the long gone, but not forgotten "bosperaad" dialogue, I"m just not sure that I have enough emotional strength or energy to go through it all again. Some things truely are better left unsaid. Unheard. Unwritten. Unread.
But...this is the corporate worold after all and so let's all get down to it and air the dirty laundry. I'm ordering a healthy dose of Stay Soft to dish out at all the many upcoming conversations giving and receiving that wonderful "constructive" criticism everyone always talks about. Apparently it's great for personal growth (or self esteem deminishment.) And again I say Bleh. BLEH...
Monday, 20 May 2013
Heartfelt Stories
A little while I blogged about the awesome Heartfelt evening I'd been to. Rather than tell their stories for them, read the 4 amazing women's stories here.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
The Bilbo Baggins in me...
I'm such a creature of habit and route and tend to dislike massive changes, and yet, I crave adventure and out of the box experiences. The thought of packing up all that I know and love and moving to some remote African country (before I sound misinformed about my own continent...outside of SOUTH Africa) both horrifies me and excites me beyond belief!
I've always thought that once you've found your "partner in crime" it would be far easier to leave the life that you know and embark on a massive adventure. More recently I've started to think what better way to raise a child - open to new places and people, new ideas and experiences.

Nothing is on the cards in the near (or even distant future) but it's definitely an adventure that I'd be open to taking if and when it ever comes up. Prehaps, like Bilbo, I'll make my way home oneday after a story book adventure safe in the knowledge that places have been seen, people have been met and experiences had that would never have been possibly imagined had we not left the home!
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Who do You say I am?
One of the ladies did the most hillarious skit portraying all of the comments from those around us descrining us that we save and replay over and over on the "casette tape" in our minds. Things like: she snacks alot, she's a drama queen, she is not at all sporty, she looks like a rugby prop, she is highly emotional... How do we go about defining who WE are (and who HE says we are) when playing these recordings over and over in our minds.
They played the "Dove - Real Beauty" clip, which I'd successfully avoided watching after hundreds of my facebook friends had shared it! It shows just how we as women aren't able to give a clear description of how we look and how tainted our opinions of ourselves are by the views of others.
It was a time to reflect and look back over the past few months and to try to erase some of the horrible things which have been said, have been heard, have been written. To take back control of the "tape in my head." To take back control of the image that I have of me and to not give a damn of any image that overs may have as a result of hearsay. To take back control of the image I portray and to ensure that it's reflective of who HE says I am.
There are limited spaces left for the last Heartfelt session taking place on Saturday - Cape Town ladies, click here if you are keen to attend this amazing event.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Fishing, Skiing, Eating and all those good things
This weekend we took a drive to a friends house on the Breede River for an amazingly relaxing weekend away. We were celebrating his 31st birthday and celebrate we did with great food (the potjie and the baked cheesecake blew my mind), good wine (but not too much of it), awesome company (almost all from the EC #winkwink) and some pretty horrid fishing (we caught "sweet-f-all!")
It was so great to do a little "road-less-travelled" adventuring and visit Infanta - a place I've never been to before and am fairly certain I'll never visit again! It has the biggest river mouth that I've ever seen and the amount of water pushing through totally explains why the water ends up way inland at Riviersonderend.

Great break away with some great people - Thank You guys :-)
Friday, 10 May 2013
Happy Friday!
It's a HaPpY fRiDaY because:
1) The sun is shining
2) I'm about to leave work
3) We're about to go away for the weekend
4) We're going away with most of my nearest and dearest besties
5) There will be wine where we are going!
6) There will be water where we are going
7) There will no doubt be good food where we are going (with 2 chefs and an exceptional home cook in tow)
8) My boo will be with me
9) There will hopefully be no cell phone reception where we are going
10) Every day is a happy day when it is has been a stress free day at work :-)
Happy Friday everyone!
1) The sun is shining
2) I'm about to leave work
3) We're about to go away for the weekend
4) We're going away with most of my nearest and dearest besties
5) There will be wine where we are going!
6) There will be water where we are going
7) There will no doubt be good food where we are going (with 2 chefs and an exceptional home cook in tow)
8) My boo will be with me
9) There will hopefully be no cell phone reception where we are going
10) Every day is a happy day when it is has been a stress free day at work :-)
Happy Friday everyone!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Four & Twenty Blackbirds baked in a pie
I love that I live in an area which offers most of lifes essentials within walking distance from my house - hair dresser, pub and grub, great Thai Resturant and take aways, a grocery store and of course a bottle store. The one think that I've always wished for in the 'hood was a great coffee spot and if I really wanted to be fussy, a bistro or patisserie to boot.
Four and Twenty (or Four and Twenty Blackbirds as I like to call it, in an effort to remember the new name) has recently opened in the ever popular Chelsea Village area. They offer all things I'd been wishing for: great coffee, great atmosphere, great background music, amazing pastries and menu, along with some pantry staples.
We popped in for coffee and a croissant in their first week of business and the vibe has already been well established with many locals popping in to see the new kid on the block. Check out more on Four and Twenty on their website or Facebook page.
Good luck to the ladies and I'll see you again soon!
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
It's all about the Compromise!
This weekend we went on a 3 hour hike with friends and while I by no means consider myself fit or athletic, I love being outdoors and being in big wide open spaces. Outings like these make the farm girl in me really happy and content and my man knows this. Is it his favorite thing in the world? Definitely not but he does it anyway - maybe because he knows it's important to me or that it makes me happy...

It's easy to compromise when it comes to little things like hikes and taste in movies (or lack thereof #winkwink!) but I've realised that there are things more serious than these that I'm extremely greatful that neither of us need to compromise on. So often I speak to friends who are reluctantly compromising on some fairly fundamental beliefs or valuest that they have all in the name of keeping the peace or keeping the relationship going. Who is to judge in these types of situations? Not me! But I am incredibly greatful that on any given weekend the compromising questions on the table are: Chicken or Sushi; Hiking or TV; Action or Period Drama?!
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Keep Calm and Explore
Exploring new places has always been one of my favourite things to do. So often we think that we need to go beyond our borders to discover a favourite new place, when so often we're living within a 2 hours radius of the most interesting destinations.
St Helena Bay - Fishing Boat |
My boo and I will often just go for a drive "to no where" and see where the road takes us. This past weekend we did just that and headed up the West Coast. Both not being from the Western Cape, there are many spots in this direction that we've not yet been to but rather than hit the more touristy places, we tried to find the "off the beaten track" places.
Our first discovery definitely fit that brief. St Helena Bay must be one of the more random places I've visited in my life! With many fishing industry related businesses there, the coastline is not particularly "untouched" but that in itself gives it it's own charm. It's clear to see that the community revolves around the income that the industry brings in although they are clearly trying to increase the tourism industry with plenty of estates with nice roads and street lights, but not too many houses build yet.
Vasco de Gama Monument |
St Helena Bay is also the place that Vasco de Gama first set foot in South Africa in 1497. We visited the monument erected to commemorate this only to find plenty of smashed beer bottles on the ground - either it's a popular drinking spot, or the locals don't think much of old Mr de Gama!
Friday, 26 April 2013
No Pain, No Gain... Now SMILE
Today I truely am smiling a BIG smile...and not only because it's Friday. When I was a kid we went to our beach house (my happy place) every holiday and all of my cousins and I loved to go up the beach on bakkies (they were allowed on the dunes back then!) We would then try to dig the tyres into the sand, hoping that the bakkie would get stuck and we would then have to come to the rescue and push it random I know! One day when we were far up the coastline with family friends I was digging up a storm and knocked my front tooth out by hitting it against the rim the bakkie formed around the tyre. Our family friend, 9 months preggers at the time (she gave birth 2 days later!) raced me back to my parents and all I can now remember about the long drive was thinking that I really hoped that she didn't give birth with just me in the vehicle with her!
Why am I telling you this really random story?! Well, I obviously got my tooth fixed back then and although it lasted about 24 years, it wasn't the prettiest fix seen to mankind! Last week, with much pushing and prompting from my mother (thanks mom!) I embarked on the painful process of repairing and improving my two front teeth. It took 3 dentist trips and 2 trips to the dental technician (most of these very painful) but today I can SMILE and be confident about it! The "no pain, no gain" saying really is true. So I'm celebrating this Happy Friday with a big, straight toothed SMILE :-)
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Keep Calm and Carry On hits a landmark...
I've just hit 1000 views! Who would have thought?! Not me. I started this blog towards the end of last year not really knowing what I was doing (who am I kidding, I still don't really know!) but looking for something new - a creative, semi-anonymous place to get down some of the random thoughts that fill my head. In fact, I didn't want anyone that I know to read my blog and to this day have told very few people that I know about it. But it's been a constant companion to me during the past couple of really tough months. A place to air my grumbles when times were tough, a place to share my joys of my out of office hours, a place to remember and document and grow and share.
I honestly don't know who reads my random ramblings (besides my most amazing man!) or why anyone bothers too - but that has never been the point. What has been interesting is to see which of the posts that people most read as they often aren't the ones that I would have expected. Google searches clearly dreg up some weird and wonderful things! The top few Keep Calm blogs of all time are:
and the very first one, Keep Calm and Love South Africa
Thank you for all the views - I appreciate them even if I don't entirely feel I deserve them ;-) Here's to some more Keep Calm and Carry on in the future! Onwards and upwards...
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Taste Cape Town
As if eating all of that during the day was enough! We then moved on to a friends birthday celebration at the rooftop bar Tjing Tjing which not only has a great vibe but also good food and drinks. Their tapas were amazing and after indulging a little more, it was time for home.

Friday, 12 April 2013
Always look on the bright side of life
I realised yesterday while mulling over my woeful work situation that I'm so very luck and greatful that, while my 8-5 life is at an all time low, my personal life is in the best place yet. I'm so appreciatative that I was blessed with a wonderful, happy and rewarding work life during my years in the 'bay of not-so plenty.' God must have realised that it wouldn't have been fair on me to have it all at once and he probably doesn't want to make other people jealous ;-) LOL
So I'll take my happy after hours life and try my damndest not to let any deproness leak through past the 5pm mark! And it's Friday today - so have a wonderful, restful, fun-filled weekend! I plan to :-)
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
To cook or not to cook?
I'm always on the look out for a new pet project or hobbie to get my mind to relax after 5pm. Two of my friends have been taking pottery classes every week for the past little while and have been encouraging me to join. While I am keen for something relaxational and creative, I'm not entirely sure that I have to passion or co-ord's for clay!
The after hours classes idea got me thinking though - what would I find a useful investment of my time? Something that I wouldn't mind making a financial commitment too, knowing that it would give me long term reward? And then it came to me - cooking classes! I've blogged previously about my culinary disasters and how I seem to be constantly surrounded by chefs and Martha Steward types, so a cooking class or two sounds like a good idea to me.
In researching what is on offer in my area (Southern Suburbs, Cape Town) I found the following viable, affordable and internet friendly courses:
- Chez Gourmet in Claremont offers varied evening classes on Thursday evenings. You can sign up for a single class (averaging R470 per class) or a course of 3 - 5 classes. Upcoming courses range from Japanese food, to pasta making to baking. Their website is not only really cute but also super user friendly
- Top Nosh cooking school offers courses that will help you get the basics covered and then move on to more advanced dishes. They also offer themed nights and can accomodate private and corporate functions
So now it's just to decide on the right option for me and take the plunge!
Monday, 8 April 2013
Be Brave and Keep Going
My advise to my pops is this:
Everything worth doing should have a healthy dose of fear attached to it - we need to be brave enough to stick to it and move forward regardless. Your adventure may seem daunting now, but once you are there, with the world at your feet, new opportunities surrounding you, new things to experience, new places to see and new people to meet, you will look back and laugh at all the sleepless nights and moments of self-doubt that you are now experiencing.
As someone who was stuck in the biggest rutt of all time, I can safely assure you that the fear is worth it. The reward at the end of the journey is worth it. The happiness that comes with positive change is worth it. The personal growth that change brings out in us is worth it. The fear and nervous anticipation is worth it...TOTALLY worth it!
It's the belief that things can and will be better because of the decision you've made that will get you through.
Keep Calm and Love a Nerd / Jock
My man told me the other day that he can get on with pretty much anyone, because, like I always tell him, he's a bit of a nerd, but he is also the worlds biggest sports fan (apart from that silly game where they kick a round ball around for 90-minutes with not much happening at all!) He can have the deepest conversation with the most random stranger or just light hearted sports banter with someone he's just met. That's when it struck me - that's one of the reasons that I love him so much!

Life is all about balance isn't it? I love that he is the guy cheering on his team and taking in all the most currents stats meticulously, but then moments later, the sensitive, caring and supportive person that I so often need him to be. I love that he has the confidence to speak to anyone in a room full of strangers and as a result make me feel more at ease. I love that he reads the menu online before we get the restuarant so that we can chat instead of taking time to decide what to eat! I love that everyone loves him because when people tell me this it reminds me just how great he is and how lucky I am that I waited for so long to find Mr Right (and that I dodged all those yucky Mr Wrongs along the way!)
Basically...I <3 you Boo!
Friday, 5 April 2013
Be a your own city
I love the fact that I live in a city which I get excited about sharing with friends or family visiting. Who else can boast of being a tourist in your own home town?!
My parents and brother were recently here for their annual visit and it wasn't hard to find things to keep them occupied (despite the rain.) Although, in writing down all that we did (and ate) I started to pick up two very distinct themes - I love food and I love Noordhoek! The two merged with our trips to the normal faves: The Noordhoek Community Market at Cape Point Vineywards, Cafe Roux who have recently opened for evening meals too and of course, last but very much not least, the much before mentioned Foodbarn Deli - Tapas by Night.
And then there was the family time - squeezing my flat with as many people as possible, visiting relatives, getting up at the crack of dawn to support the 2 Oceans Half Marathon runners and seemingly endless shopping (the Eastern Cape doesn't have REAL shops like we do!)
With a couple more days to go of entertaining the brother, the itinerary looks a little like this: rugby and more food at Barristers, more rugby and drinks at the famous Percy's, Steak, salad and chips at HQ and prehaps we should throw in something a little less food oriented and more cultured like a trip to Robben Island.
Busy and fun times - TGIF so that I can sleep in a little tomorrow :-)
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