Thursday, 14 March 2013

The light at the end of the tunnel

So there IS in fact light at the end of the tunnel and I'm so pleased to finally be able to see a speck of it in the not to far off distance. Let's hope it's not a train on a direct path towards collision!

I've been fairly quiet on my blog due to the crazy 11+ hour days I've been pulling at work lately. Where is the gym again? What does a home cooked meal taste like again? Life has been fairly one-dimensional of late and while I'm hoping that this too will change in the near future, I'm not convinced it's a realistic wish.

Regardless, I've learnt that in order to not freak myself or the masses out, I need to keep calm and smile. No amount of anxiety or stress in even the most high pressured situations is going to help at all. Knowing this in theory is one thing, doing it in practice is still something I'm working on hard...daily.

After what has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life, I'm hoping that I've come through it slightly new and improved...a Cindy 2.0 of sorts! What's the point of living if you aren't willing to learn after all?!

The challenges will still be many, the pressure will still be large, the road will not be without potholes, but ultimately I've changed my attitude towards all this and accepted the fact that as scary as it all may be, it will hopefully all be worth it in one way or day!

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