Today marks the middle of November - or the middle of Movember for the many ladies counting down the days until their man will once again be 'tache free. I count myself extremely lucky not to be amongst the hundred of girlfriends being forcibly exposed to the prickle (although, by the looks of things last night, my man might just be threatening a late entry into the Movember club?! Heaven hopes not!) I can barely keep a straight face when trying to have serious work related conversations with men struggling to even get one shade darker on their upper lip, but those who are over achieving in the mo department are even more challenging to take seriously.
Where did it all start you might ask? I did my research and suppose I shouldn't have been suprised to see that it all started with the Aussies, because the first time I heard about Movemeber was through one of many expat friends who left our shores for greener pastures (this topic deserves a blog all to itself! #comingsoon) Back in 1999 a group from Adelaide started this annual month long event in order to raise awareness of prostate and other male cancer related initiatives and it's grown from there into an world wide awareness campaign. To find out more visit
Mo and Sons.
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