Friday, 11 January 2013

Keep Calm and Recharge Battery....AGAIN

Dear Crackberry (aka Blackberry)

In the words of some angry, black female rap artist, once upon a time: ""

When I said that I needed the holiday to "recharge my battery" I didn't mean you...constantly being charged...deeming you no more useful than a Telkom line.

I knew when I renewed my contract with you (against my better judgement I might add...) that this would not be a hiccup free 2 years. But I didn't realise that only 8 months into the journey you would require a full extreme makeover (at a cost.)

You no longer wake me up (as you are fast asleep 90% of the time), you no longer allow me the courtesy of typing at a seasoned texters record pace, you no longer dial the number I intend to call, you require a set of tweezers to the back to get you going each morning and you do not allow me to backup and update you myself. Apparently your software is too archaic to allow something as simple as that...

And so, I'll be counting the days until I can at last be rid of you (no offense.)


A-soon-to-be-iPhone-user (as soon as economically possible that is...)

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