Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Keep Calm and Give Blood

Did you know that a single blood donation can save up to 3 lives? Did you know that while having 5 days of stock is ideal for the Western Province Blood Transfusion Service they currently have 3.5 days worth of stock and this number can at times drop to 2 days? Their website lists the 6 good reasons to donate blood as being:

  1. Blood saves lives: Every unit of blood donated can be separated into its constituent parts and used to enhance the lives of up to four recipients.
  2. There’s no substitute: Unfortunately, there is no known substitute for blood and it cannot be replicated due to its complexity. Only real blood will do.
  3. Blood is in short supply: Because the need for blood is so unpredictable, we’re always one day away from running out. While 75% of our population are potential recipients, a mere 1.5% are donors, and only 16,000 donors give blood more than four times a year.
  4. It's a good cause: Giving doesn’t get much better than this.
  5. You could be next: It's not a nice thing to consider, but the fact is that you, a close friend, or a family member could well be the next car accident victim or surgery candidate requiring a transfusion. Wouldn’t it be good to know that our stock levels are adequate?
  6. The process is safe and quick: We use sterile, disposable equipment, so there’s no risk of infection. The entire process takes just 20 minutes, after which you can resume your daily activities. And finally, you won’t even miss the one unit (475 ml) of blood donated. It is quickly replaced by your body.
I found this chart rather interesting. If you do know your blood type, check out who your blood could help:

I'm on my way to donate my 17th pint now (very convenient that the blood service comes in to our offices to do it!) So what is stopping YOU from giving blood? Visit the South African National Blood Services website to find out where you can donate anywhere in South Africa.

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